Form Looking To Adopt Looking To Adopt If you are interested in adopting an animal from us, in order to keep our phone lines free for emergency calls only, please register your interest by completing our Looking to Adopt Form here. We will use the data you share with us to assist in finding a suitable animal for you. By completing this form your details will be entered onto our Looking to Adopt list where they will remain for six months (unless advised otherwise). If you adopt, we will retain a copy of your information on our records. If you do not adopt within six months, we will remove your details. Unfortunately, we do not have the resources to acknowledge receipt of your submission BUT please rest assured if we have a suitable pet for you that matches your requirements we will be in touch. Thank you for your interest.Your Name DrMissMrMrsMsProf.Rev. Title First Last Date Of Birth Day Month Year Landline Phone No.Mobile Phone No.Email Address Opt InWould you like your email address to be added to our Newsletter distribution list? Yes No Home Address Street Address / House Name AddressLine 2 City County Post Code What kind of animal are you looking for?DogCatOther (please specify below)Other - Please specify:Breed/Type preferred Characteristics/Activity levels Age Range (or none) Animal Gender Preferences Male Female No preference What type of care are you able to offer? Permanent Adoption Short-term foster Long-term foster Have you owned dogs or cats previously? (Tick box?) Dogs Cats Both None Please provide details of previous and/or current pets:What is your current employment status? Full time work Part time work Working from home Do not work Retired Are you likely to take your pet to work? Yes No How many hours approximately would the animal be left alone daily?What type of property do you live in?House (own)House (rent)Flat (own)Flat (rent)Bungalow (own)Bungalow (rent)Caravan/vanOtherPlease provide details of your outdoor space:No outdoor spaceShared gardenPrivate garden (open)Private garden (fully enclosed)OtherHow many adults (including you) live at the property?How many children under the age of 16 live at the property?Please provide details of all children who live at the property? Ages/gender/further information:Do you have any changes to domestic circumstances planned? (e.g., house move, new job, additional children due, forthcoming holidays?) Please provide details:Charity Considerations We are a small local charity – we do not charge for our services, but we do ask for donations to help cover the cost of our work. We will advise of our current suggested donation for adoption if we find a suitable pet for you. We will however always consider the best outcome for animal and the welfare of the animal in our decision-making process.